Aspirational User – Ginny


Ginny is a young executive with 6 years of working experience. She is currently in a stable relationship and has recently applied for a HDB flat with her boyfriend of 2 years. Ginny travels frequently to countries such as China, Bangladesh, Thailand, Germany, America, and Malaysia for work-related purposes, although these work travels tire her out easily. However, she still loves leisure travels and counts backpacking through Europe on her own when she was 24 as a significant moment in her life. She is an outgoing person who loves meeting new people and new challenges.

“I enjoy having time to myself and with my loved ones because I spend a lot of time travelling in a year. I make it a point to engage in my hobbies whenever I’m in Singapore. For instance, my weekends will be spent in museums or art exhibitions, I will take up night courses in jewellery design, I will catch up with my friends and family over meals, or I will be catching a movie with my boyfriend.”

Thoughts on Luxury Products

“At the current stage of my life, I am still saving my money for my upcoming wedding in October 2014, and for my HDB flat that will be available in 2015. Hence, luxury goods are things that are good to have only if I have the extra money to spend. The only exceptions I may make are for essential items like my wallet or my bag. In my line of work where I meet many people from around the world frequently, I think it is important to have a good first impression, and branded items do in a way help to convey a person’s taste and values.”

Observations ipjune_img5Diary ipjune_img5Analysis

CM Capture 12

Chooi YongLorenzoMelvinDianaJia YiNicoleGinny

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